• What if I don’t complete the course on time?

    No worries at all! There is no time limit for course completion. You can work on the course at your own pace and do not have to be concerned about completing it in a particular timeframe.

  • Oh no! I had to sign out of the course in the middle of a class. Will I lose all my work?

    Losing your work would be horrible! We have you covered. Your work will be safely stored, and you can pick back up right where you left off.

  • For the introductory course, can I work on multiple classes at one time?

    Our classes in the introductory course are like building blocks. You work on one at a time. After you complete one class (e.g., Class 1), you can access the next class in the course. The course classes are made available in numeric order: Class 1-7. So, no, you can’t work on multiple classes at one time.

  • Is there any requirement to move on from one class in the introductory course to the next class?

    Yes. To proceed to the next class in the introductory course, you must complete a final test and score 70% or higher.

  • Yikes! What if I fail the final test?

    We know that everyone learns differently. If you fail the test, you will be able to retake the test at your leisure. The purpose of the test is to ensure that you’ve learned the material from the class. It’s perfectly okay if you need to take the test more than once to get there. We believe in you.

  • Will there be other students in the course with me?

    The course is designed to guide you independently. It will meet your specific timeline, your specific pace, and your specific schedule. While other students will be taking the course, they will be completing it on their specific timeline, pace, and schedule. Therefore, students do not interact with one another. Instead, the course provides you with your own private classroom experience.

  • I would really like to take a course but I’m on a student budget.

    We hear you. At Dougy Center, we believe that one size does not fit all, nor does one rate fit all. Click here for more information about our student discounts.

  • Do you offer CEUs for your courses?

    After you successfully complete the course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that includes your full name, the course completed, the date of completion, and the number of hours assigned to the course. We currently do not offer CEUs.

  • I am a student in a course, and I have a question. What should I do?

    We’re here for you. You can ask us your question by emailing [email protected] and include “Student Question” in the subject line. We’ll get back to you promptly!